Lisa from the Opportunity Council sat down with me this week to share with us how we might qualify for emergency rental assistance support. Whether you are a college student, family, single adult, you name it, if you are behind in rent or your mortgage you may qualify for assistance. Please share this video and information with as many people as you can. These are unprecedented times of challenge and we are hoping everyone can get the support they need and deserve.
What is the basic eligibility information?
1. Under 50% AMI (gross income for all adults from the previous 60 days before application).
2. Must owe rent since March 1, 2020 or later.
3. At least 1 household member must meet at least one additional criteria* below:
o Rent burdened: 50% or more of current monthly income is needed to pay rent.
o Previously homeless within last five years. This includes experiences of couch surfing/doubled up.
o Eviction history within last seven years.
o Housing disrupted due to household member race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion. o At risk of severe illness as per CDC (62 or older, underlying condition).
o Disability of any household member. Includes a physical, developmental, mental, or emotional impairment, including impairment caused by alcohol or drug abuse, post- traumatic stress disorder, or brain injury. A person with HIV/AIDS is considered disabled.
o If screening a young adult age 24 or younger, these additional criteria can be used to determine eligibility: Person 24 years old or younger that is pregnant or parenting OR person 24 years old or younger that is a recipient (current or past) from any one of the following: foster care; adoption; mental health; drug, alcohol treatment; court systems.
*These will NOT asked to be verified – self-declaration during screening is sufficient. How much rent assistance can be received?
A maximum of 3 months total rent assistance. One month must be arrears, the other 2 can be current or future rent payments.
We will be able to pay rent amounts that fall under 100% Fair Market Rent (FMR). Rent amounts that exceed FMR can receive assistance at 80% of the balance due up to 3 months. What documentation is required?
Documentation of all sources of income received in the past 60 days for all household members: pay stubs, child support, DSHS, Social Security, unemployment, other.
What are the rental requirements?
This can be formal lease with a landlord or an informal agreement with rental payments being made to friends/family. No lease documentation will be required.
How to apply?
To apply for rental assistance, people should call Opportunity Council, 360-734-5121, ext. 316